You still have 3 days to implant so tbh early tests are a WASTE of money, just use cheapo red dye strip tests, then if you think you see a faint line endulge in the early detection ones
I had a negative one day and then positive the next, I also didn’t get my positive until my period was 3 days late x
I did a clear blue digital 9dpo when I’d got faint lines on my easy@home tests & it came back negative, 11dpo I got my positive on the clear blue digital! As others have said, I’d use the strip tests before you use the digitals as they need higher HCG levels to detect (despite them saying they detect up to 6 days before missed period I didn’t find they did)!! Sending baby dust your way 🤞🏼✨
Yes , I had a negative day before and the next morning positive x