Has anyone else had a bad Christmas?

I’ve got a newborn baby (nearly 6 weeks) and had all these magical visions for his first Christmas but in reality it has been awful. My poor baby has been overstimulated and then just extremely unsettled/crying for what feels like forever. I am just looking for some reassurance that I’m not the only one and that it gets easier :(
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At such a young age it will never be a magical christmas. My 4 week old has been fighting sleep and irritated most of the day because of how busy its been. Next year is the start of the magic if anything, you arent alone with this ❤️❤️

Baby has been fine because he's napped on people at least and we came home to start his bedtime at the usual time and things, but I've got overwhelmed myself! There's just been a lot going on and I usually love christmas but I found things very overstimulating this year, for example when trying to breastfeed and people are just trying to still do christmassy stuff bless them but I couldn't concentrate on everything all at once! X

Have a very overtired 6 week old here! Struggling to calm her down!!

It does get better! I’m here from two different due date groups (I have a Jan 22 and a Nov23). This is my boy’s 3rd Christmas and it’s only sort of getting magical now. He was insanely overstimulated his first two years. He loved the idea of Santa and presents this year but we still took breaks today. And it’s my daughter’s 2nd Christmas. She liked 1 gift out of like 6 - the Ms Rachel toy box. It will happen though!

Yes! Well and truly hit the first leap today. She's been grumbling and fussy all day, I've fed her about 12 times between cooking, held her while eating. Have well and truly neglected my eldest. I'm exhausted 😩 not even got a nice family photo.

It’s that age where they aren’t settled into earth side yet. Next year will be soo wonderful but even at 1 it’s early days for them. Give it a chance mama. You’re time will come step by step as they grow and start to love Christmas like us

I have a 5 week old and an almost 3 year old, and Christmas has been mainly madness (mostly from the toddler who’s still adjusting to new sibling, new play school and ongoing cough) with magical moments. Even as I posted photos on social media I was laughing at how it was just not capturing the realities 😅

Literally didn't feel like Christmas today I won't lie. We just spent it at home in our Jim Jim's and relaxed. we have been through 9 months of pregnancy and then the craziness of PP we just couldn't be fucked to be fair with you. Next year will be different. Did feel bad for my 2 year old but he enjoyed messing around with his gifts anyway. 💗 Hoping the christmas magic will come alive from next year but.. give it time. It will come ❤️❤️

Yep, been horrendous. Exhausted & 5 week old is fighting sleep & I’m on the end of my tether.

I have a 7 week old and had never experienced overstimulation until yesterday and today whilst visiting family. Both times there were 6+ people in the room all having separate conversations, raised voices and lots going on in general and my poor boy just screamed until I took him into a quiet room, I didn’t realise what was wrong at the time and just thought he had wind or something as I was trying to feed him however same thing happened today visiting more family when there was a large group of people all talking loudly l, music playing etc I was trying to feed and he kept refusing the bottle, going rigid and screaming.. we noticed the theme and took him away to a quiet place but since leaving it has taken hours for him to settle properly we have only just got him fed and down to sleep it’s now nearly midnight and we left about 18:30. We have decided no more large family gatherings with him as it’s not fair on him, I feel awful for putting him in these positions :(

My 7 week old was totally over stimulated today. He wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone and was super fussy and unsettled but also really struggled to fall and stay asleep. I also have a 5 year old who was at 💯 literally for 14 hours today. So it was magical in one sense because of the 5 year old but also completely exhausting and overstimulating.

If it helps my 2 month old got him self worked up and stopped breathing for a few seconds 🤦🏻‍♀️ I also wanted to take picture with the Christmas tree in is Christmas outfit and never got a chance to.

Yes I’m with you, my 5 week old didn’t sleep at all from 8:30am till 9pm 🙃 it was painful but I felt bad mainly for my older daughter (she’s 8) because I didn’t get to spend much time with her as little one was so fussy

My plan was to keep minimal people to be their people for the day as I knew we’d all be very busy at one point , so one of my twins person was their aunty and the other was their nana (as well as me and their dad) but with so much noise and people around my babies fought their sleep all day. weren’t too unsettled but just very awake. tried to put them down for a nap in their pram but only one would go down because my FOMO baby refused to not be held. it’s just very new for them to have more than 5 people at a time in one living space. wrapping paper, laughing, games, ect. they struggled a lot to sleep all day but now they are fast asleep and as soon as they had their feed once everyone left they went down straight away. have been a sleep for an hour over their feeding time and i’m genuinely just letting them be because they clearly needed the sleep and so did we!🤣

My Xmas morning was horrid, my newborn was screaming all morning whilst openings gifts and trying to get me ready, my 4 year old ready, tidy up, do breakfast etc and leave the house, I was overstimulated to the max and ready for a breakdown 🫣

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