Hi Casey, Breastfeeding Peer Supporter here. Here’s a couple of things I’d try; - Paced bottle feeding - gives baby more control over how fast the milk comes out https://youtu.be/OGPm5SpLxXY?si=Xn_h0z8HxxKvPNtA - keep baby upright after feeding. Using a sling can help massively with this. - an amount of fussing is really normal for a newborn. They’re adjusting to being out of the womb in a new, sometimes scary place. Have a read about the 4th trimester. It really helped me understand this stage https://sarahockwell-smith.com/2012/11/04/the-fourth-trimester-aka-why-your-newborn-baby-is-only-happy-in-your-arms/ - breastfed babies will fuss and cry at the breast to help stimulate the milk flow (and this is normal). Formula fed babies can also display this same fussing as they don’t know at this stage that they’re not breastfed. - there are products marketed to help with wind, however there’s no scientific evidence that they actually work so I personally would save your money.❤️
My daughter was the same so we gave infacol before every feed and colief drops in every bottle. Worked wonders for her but I understand it may not work for every baby x
Following for the exact same reason for my 14 day old. She screams after feeds and struggles getting wind up. Have you checked for tongue tie? X