No blood tests…each time I ask they just say it’s not necessary past this point. Can I ask who did your blood tests? Like your GP or through pregnancy care appointments? I have my 16w app soon where I’ll be in the final days of weaning so could ask then about it again.
Yep me! I weaned off at 10 weeks down to one pessary a day for 5 days then stopped. I had my progesterone checked a week or so ago and it was at 70, so no issues. I was nervous but my FS and Ob both said the placenta starts taking over between 8-10 weeks and they only keep people on progesterone until then for their own peace of mind, not because it's necessary.
Amazing thankyou. This makes me feel better. I think I’ll just ask for a blood test at the 16 w app to double check for peace of mind
How regularly are you doing blood tests? Weaning off is scary but if you are being properly monitored and taking it slow it should be fine :) I am 15 weeks and weaned off slowly starting at 10 weeks and completely stopped at 12 weeks.