Try another brand x
Id say pos
I definitely see the line. Do you know when you ovulated though? This seems very faint for 2 weeks past missed period. Perhaps you ovulated much later than usual?
Sperm can live inside you for 3-6 days so chances are you are only one week late and you would be 12dpo x
Thank you so much everyone! I took 2 more of this brand first thing this morning and I took two of a different brand and 3/4 I do see an extremely faint line like this so I’m going to wait a little bit and see if my test will be darker in a week or so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 or if I start my period
I see a line but I feel like it might be false positive bc I used same brand and tested the day I expected my period and it was already darker than this , I’ll post pic for reference