I started at 36 weeks but it was slow to start and by the time he was born I had around 20ml. He was born at 38+6
As much as you can, i harvested loads close to 50 mls. To each is different, but it is a life saver when they get a cold.
I attempted once… didn’t succeed so collected none. I then successful breastfed my first for 3 years and am nearly 7 month EBF with my second so far
I attempted every day for 2 weeks from 36 weeks but absolutely nothing came out. I did however successfully breastfeed when our son arrived so don't put too much pressure on yourself if it doesn't work, some of us just can't get any out but it is there 💕
I bought 20 syringes and used all 20. I didn’t buy anymore because I thought that would be enough and I’d have enough leftover to save it for if he ever had a cold when he was older, etc. I wished I’d collected more, he used it all in the first few days due to jaundice causing him not to latch.
I’m 38 wks and have over 100ml so far, I hand express once a day and I’m now collecting 20ml a day, midwife said to put it in bags I can freeze instead of syringes now. I’ve been leaking for months. Just hope the milk supply is as good.
I started at 36 weeks and by the time I had my girl I had about 40 mls of colostrum. And I only did 1 session a day