Low AMH and natural conception success stories out there?

Hi everyone, it’s yet another month of disappointment after ttc for 2 years, trying everything possible and knowing that the only known factor against our favour is an AMH of 4.3 makes me feel like a failure. Looking for success stories of women who succeed naturally despite a low AMH, and any tips or advice that might have contributed to that success outside of the ordinary “stop drinking and smoking, do regular exercise, take your supplements, do your investigations”.
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I never had my AMH tested as that wasn’t something my GP would sort for me. I do have FSH of 13.3 and conceived.

Yes I have low AMH mine is lower than yours. I’m 34 was trying for my first baby. Tried for 6months and nothing I took a 3month break and went on mounjaro lost 18lbs first month back ttc I conceived and now three months pregnant with a healthy baby. I truly believe the mounjaro and the healthy eating is what helped me conceived. Don’t give up it will happen xx

What is mounjaro

Try taking 400mg of CoQ10 as it helps boost the health of the eggs tou do have

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