Has anyone got a colicky baby?

Hi! I am just wondering if anyone could tell me about if their baby had/has colic? What is your babies behaviour like? Is there anything you give then or do to help? My baby is 8 weeks old and he cries ALOT, it’s mainly throughout the day all day but he doesn’t really cry in the night between feeds.. sometimes he can cry for what feels like hours and nothing I do can settle him.. as a baby I know he will cry but I don’t remember him being this bad a few weeks ago, it seems to have really gotten worse. I die suspect whether it is reflux/silent reflux as from a few weeks ago he’s started spitting up his milk (not after every feed but some feeds), and he gets hiccups a lot too, numerous times in the day.. I guess I am just looking for some advice on how others have coped and if anything helped their little one. I feel so helpless when he’s so upset and nothing soothes him then I feel so guilty when I am getting frustrated
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Is bubs breastfed? Are they on formula?

I feel you. My little girl was exactly the same. Such a cranky baby. Never settled to sleep unless held and pretty much needed kept constantly. We used infacol and got prescribed gaviscon and then omeperazole for silent reflux, really follow this up if you think your little one is suffering as it's so distressing. Keeping baby upright after feeds can help too. No real advice just that it won't be forever, it's so hard going at the time though.

8 weeks is peak fussy for a newborn and then it gets better over the next month or so. It might just be a developmental thing, my daughter cried loads until 12 weeks and then suddenly stopped xx

@Gem he’s formula fed x

I went through this with my little guy right from the get-go. My milk never came in, so he went onto formula. Was crying because he was hungry but then crying because of gas and just being clogged up. He would cry for 4 hours every night. It was horrendous! I changed his formula.. no gradual weaning. I followed my gut instinct. Now he's a completely different baby! Some other mums I've spoken to have had success with Colief or Infacol to relieve colicky symptoms. There's also massages that you can do to help them with trapped wind. It's a tough road, mama, but you'll get through it! Just trust your instincts 💗

@Shona did you go the the gp about it? Just wondering what the process is for it and if I can just ring the doctors tomorrow for an appointment about it as I feel so so helpless for him😩 I’ve been making sure to feed him upright, and burping him more in between and trying to keep him upright for a bit after his feed too.. does your baby have colic snd reflux? X

@Lauren when did your little girl start to show the fussiness? I feel like he’s been like this for about 2 weeks now😩 xx

I did go to the GP for the silent reflux. They can't do much for the colic. Sounds like you are trying everything you can. I second the massages too that Gem mentioned, bicycle legs and others. Have a wee watch on YouTube or speak to your health visitor. Yes she had both. She's 20 months now and such a good natured wee thing x

@Gem what milk was your little one on? And what did you change them to? My baby was on kendamil but he had really bad problems struggling to poo and when he did he was crying in pain and it was like diarrhoea so I changed him to hipp organic and he poo’s so much better now without crying and once or twice a day so I’m really hoping it’s not this milk that’s making him so fussy like this😩 thank you so much❤️

@Shona I wasn’t sure if they could have both so that’s good to know! What signs did your baby show for silent reflux? My little one is just very fussy, he gets hiccups off almost every bottle, the last 2/3 weeks he’s started to spit up milk after some bottles too x

He was on Aptamil to start with. I changed him over to SMA. It may not be the milk! But it's possibly something to rule out if all else fails

Sadly so. Life is cruel sometimes. She was fussy, got hiccups, she didn't spit up but did this little swallowing thing where it was like stuff was coming up her throat but nothing would come out and then she'd cry, it was obviously the burning sensation x

Ours began getting fussy and it turned out he needed a bigger feed in the evening. Plus being settled in a darker quieter space to prevent him being awake for too long and getting over tired. We’ve got out of the phase now and he’s back to being really content! Baths and lots of cuddles with a fluffy blanket helped too. I found if I sat and watched a movie in the dark he would always go to sleep- I think because I was finally relaxing too!

@Shona awww bless her😩 I’m not sure whether to ring my doctors tomorrow and get him seen see if he can get something to help, did they give you anything for it snd did it help? X

@Jade yeah he seems to settle more in the evening when we come to bed as it’s in a darker room. He does get very overtired and then I don’t think that helps because he’s just crying because he’s tired! How old is your little one when they got out that phase? X

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She got given gaviscon to go on her milk. Not sure how much it helped but each baby is different.

Awh. My babe was colicky too. We had to change formula, gas drops (approved by pediatrician) and we used baby safe heating pads.

@Amanda what do the heating pads do if you don’t mind me asking? X

Doctors are not entirely clearly on what causes colic. But there’s a theory it’s related to gas, reflux, and indigestion. My baby had bad gas pains caused from a my breast milk not mixing well with formula (I had to supplement bc I wasn’t producing enough). I used a heating pad to help with the gas pains. Amazon has ones for babies. You can give it a try. It was like night and day for me. Plus I found a better formula that mixed well with my breast milk. That too helped.

Hi! Absolutely. Ours was the elephant :)

He was 4.5 weeks and we managed to find a solution in a few days so really didn’t last long x

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