
Do any mums struggle with feeling overstimulated when baby is crying and won't stop wriggling around when you're trying to settle them? I don't know how to calm myself when I'm battling with irritability when feeling overstimulated by baby 😪
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I do yes. I find that I have to set her down for 5-10 minutes and try again mainly when she’s going to sleep x

Yup! My baby is 4 weeks old and the witching hours are at hand. It’s awful. He cries, needs to poop and can’t, hates being changed, hates baths, hates massages, only wants to be on the breast until my breasts feel like they’re going to fall off and the tiredness- that’s the real killer that I’m exhausted. I wish I had answers, I don’t. I hand the baby over to my husband, cry a bit. Put in my loop earplugs (lowers the volume of the crying without totally muting it). Sleep is my cure, but it’s bloody hard when all the baby wants is an intense amount of comfort. Sending lots of hugs 💚

I get extremely irritable and rageful as well. I have to set my son down in front of me on the bed and hand him a teether for a few minutes. Hes nearly 5 months. This seems to help calm him a little more until hes ready to settle and eat. I do feed to sleep though. Also, if its not the middle of the night and my husband is able to take him to play for a few mins, that helps a lot

If bubs is wriggling too much I pop them down for a minute and start again, a new environment like going outside can help. But I defo get overstimulated. I have to take a few breaths, splash my face with cold water and continue.

I still get like this at 2 years. Hes at a point where he wants to just go in his cot but ends up crying if I leave him so I go and comfort him but he just tries to get away to go back in his cot. I can usually leave him for 5/10 minutes pick him back up and he'll go to sleep within a few minutes (could of saved us both hours of getting stressed and miserable if he did it the first time round)

@Becky so relatable to this, I'm at 12 weeks now and just to reassure you it does get better and there is light at the end of the tunnel for witching hour! 💛

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