Potty training HELP

I am SO fed up with changing poopy pull-ups and I just LOST it today and stripped down my LO to go completely bare lower half. I set 15-20 min timers to put her on the potty and have been watching her like a HAWK and asking her every few mins if she needs to go pee. She’s been saying no and also has ran to the potty to sit down for a few mins on her own as well. She actually went pee once and then I messed up and let her put on her big girl underwear. She started to go pee in the underwear and I put her on the potty and then took off the underwear. She then refused to put on a pull up (we were going up for lunch and I also have my 5mo and knew I needed a backup plan). She only wanted her big girl underwear. She had a full on meltdown about it so I let her put on another clean pair. She’s currently sitting on a towel and eating her lunch and I’m not sure how the rest of the day will go. Is this a bad plan??? She likes to sit on the potty and I think not having pants and pull up on makes her more independent and more likely to go sit (she’s never sat on her own before today). We do potty treats and applause when she goes in the potty.
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From what I remember from books and articles I've read (I was dealing with a situation with my stepdaughter - that requires a cup of coffee and an entire conversation 😅), letting them wear cloth helps them to feel when they've had an accident and can help them to understand the feeling of needing to go. So, absolutely not a bad idea. I do think for your own sanity you could consider cloth training pants: https://www.target.com/p/hanes-toddler-girls-39-6pk-training-briefs-colors-may-vary-2t-3t/-/A-84021535 I have learned, from my own trial and errors with my son, that if LO is still napping and not waking dry... they won't hold up, so disposable would be the best option for that. The cloth will also only be beneficial if you keep up that routine of every hour (again, sanity) going to the potty for a sit.

My son just turned 3 and i have a 5 months old also and he is still not potty trained. Weve been trying for over 6 months and he is just not interested. I tried the no pants no diaper and he pooped on the kitchen floor, and peed on the coffee table, the carpet, behind the couch. It was hell. Im so tired of changing his diapers 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

@M 🍃🌷🐈‍⬛ I HATE IT HERE 😭😭😭😭😭

@Jessica tysm. I’ll give those a shot

If you want to follow the Oh Crap! Book method id say try to keep her without any underwear or pants for a while before trying commando and then introduce underwear last which is how the book recommended. Author stated bc underwear feels much like a pull up it’s harder to tell when to go. Also when asking if she needs to go - she may not know yet bc they’re still learning what that means. Author says to just watch for cues and then say, “oh it looks like you need to go. Let’s sit on the potty” & eventually they’ll be able to know from: I peed to I am peeing to I need to pee. At least in our case it took about a week for him to catch on, and another week of small incidents before pretty much getting it. He occasionally has dribbles that we need to work on after he goes in the potty but he’s good now - no nighttime or nap time pull ups. Just expect mistakes & clean ups but somehow it’ll click! Good luck :)

@Jane thank you!!! Great info

If she’s saying no to us asking her to go sit on the potty and then ends up having an accident minutes later - should we just back off a bit? We set timers to remind us to go sit on the potty and idk if it’s because we’re going so frequently but she has been flat out refusing at times. We’ve watched videos, sang songs, huge applause and praise when she does go in the potty but I’m feeling kind of defeated. She has yet to really initiate it on her own. I feel stuck between do we keep persisting or are we pushing her to much and should we back off 🥹

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