My toddler is making me cry most days at the moment, but that’s also because I have a 4 week old so very tired anyway. His behaviour is wild and I’m exhausted from trying to gentle parent him. I know in my case my toddler is struggling with the arrival of his baby sister and no longer having all the attention etc but it’s such hard work to keep my cool. I’ve noticed he’s been dribbling lots so I think he has teeth coming through which is affecting his sleep and behaviour. No real advice but just wanted to say you’re not alone 🥰
Can you put him in bed with you short term? Would that help? They go through phases so quickly that it wouldn’t be making new habits if it’s short term- long enough for you to get some sleep and recover.
Could anything be bothering him at all - back molars are due around this age, an ear infection anything like that? Just wondering if underlying pain or something could be the cause