Dropped daytime naps?
Just wondering if anyone else’s LO has dropped their nap/naps because mine has always had a nap in the day since born and since turning 1 has one afternoon nap that could be 1/2 hrs but last two weeks he’s been fighting to go to sleep at night it was taking me and my husband almost 2 hours to get him settled and asleep so today we thought we’d try no naps he hasn’t been grumpy all day and he’s gone straight to sleep no fuss tonight.. just thought it would be a while yet till we dropped all naps?
My first dropped his naps at 17 months pretty much. He would have a 30 minute nap every 4ish days. Slept beautifully at night after dropping it. My second is a devil without an hour long nap. So each is different - no right or wrong ☺️ May be a sleep regression though so could only be temporary for you.