I’m posting here (even though I’m not EC) because I am getting a lot of “your 18 month old is too young! Put her back in diapers” advice from people on this - would be grateful for your thoughts
Hi there! I need your best tips on how to get my toddler to be able to release her pee!
We did the oh crap method and She’s 18 months old and speaking full sentances - and able to hold her pee for 5 hours before she has an accident and it goes on the floor. She absolutely loves her potty and happily sits on it and reads, and when she needs to pee she asks for her potty and us to sit with her! We’ve tried to make it fun by reading books and singing potty songs - and she loves it and will happily do that either with our prompting AND when we leave her alone she’ll be obviously needing the potty and say to us “peepee potty!” And run to it! It’s just performance anxiety because she can’t pee on it. We’re on day 4 now of staying home and both of us playing with her naked from the waist down in a warm home all day and mostly watching out for the pee and redirecting. After 2 days of prompting her and nothing helping We’ve started to take the approach the last two days to just wait and see and if she pees wherever she’s standing we just observe and say “oh, you peed. Do you need to pee more?” And she’ll say “yes!” And run to her potty - but then nothing!!
We’ve tried splashing with warm water in her hands or sitting her feet in it. We’ve tried standing up in the warm bath and asking her to pee while standing. We’ve had so much observation of her seeing us pee while narrating the sound of the pee etcetera. We’ve focussed on asking her to make the pee sound. We sing lots of songs and it’s a fun place for her to be. We’ve tried leaving her alone to do things on her own without us but she wants us there. We’ve tried shaking a snow globe but that didn’t keep her attention. We’ve tried blowing bubbles but that’s not her thing. She pees and poops when she lays down to sleep so luckily not a medical emergency. She’s peed on demand once (two days ago) standing in the bath but otherwise it’s only ever gushed out when she couldn’t hold it any more or when she was sleeping.
We’ve done away with sleeping nappies for the last 24 hours also so that she’ll hopefully eventually figure out the feeling of relaxing a bare bottom instead of just when her nappy is on. It’s clearly scary for her to release in the air and we’re very much compassionate to it but not showing any urgency or fear - just being sympathetic if she cries and telling her “I know, I’m here. Want me to hold your hand? Want to do it by yourself?” She’s not crying to pee but she is clearly distressed needing to pee and asking to pee on the potty (so isn’t afraid of peeing in itself!)
Tonight we put her to bed bare bottomed and where bedtime is normal a calm 10 minutes - she spent 40 minutes asking us to peepee potty then saying she was all done after sitting on it - then going through the routine again for bed - then again asking for peepee potty- then going through the routine and us staying next to her bed holding her hand (something we don’t normally need to do unless she’s upset) and her shuffling (clearly wanting to pee!) before asking for us again to take her to the potty. It was just over and over again before we finally just let her lay down and wait for her to wet the bed (which doesn’t bother us at all - as long as she figures out the release mechanics!)
She’s awake but laying in bed now with her dad and I’m waiting for her to wet herself and see what happens next. Just thinking man I don’t know how much more relaxed to be with her when she’s asking for us to help her and be involved and when we’re genuinely not worried about pee on the floor or the bed etcetera and yet she’s wanting to pee in the potty and sit on it but not managing to!
Things we won’t do : give her tv or the phone to relax, shame her or punish her in any way, make a huge deal about how pee DOESNT go on the floor (because she very clearly knows that pee goes in the potty and WANTS to put it there but just isn’t calming down enough to release it), and not willing to stop potty training unless it escalates to either a risk of a medical issue (ie she’s withholding for 10 hours, not pooping once a day, etc) or a psychological one (ie when she starts screaming when she sees the potty or becomes afraid of peeing/pooping at all - even when she’s alone in bed etcetera)
Many thanks in advance!
Wow you are really committed! Have you got an update? My son wears pullups and will be 15 mo on 2nd Jan. He does 1-6 wees on potty per day I put him on shortly after waking up (still has 2 naps so this is 3 wees per day) and at mealtimes I try not to give water until right at the end and then pretty much as soon as he's done and Bib off and face wiped he's on the potty and may take another 5-20 mins to need to pee. I let him splash hands in a bucket of warm water but it has to be v warm and it is also much better if you use bubble bath in the water bucket. Blowing bubbles doesn't help him but playing with bubble bath foam helps. Then we can pour some (warm!) Water gently over his privates and say "pshh". You can use a peeing doll to demonstrate and make sure she sees you pee in the toilet or even on her potty too. Also I take a sippy cup in the bathroom so he can have extra water if he wants which may speed things up. Then songs and books to keep him on there. Routine can help.