Failing our weaning journey

I just feel so disappointed with myself and how our weaning journey is going. I had such high hopes but here we are at 9+ months and my baby doesn’t eat anything. Literally not a single thing. I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m also terrified of introducing the allergens which is giving me so much anxiety as I know early exposure is best. My baby is constantly on the boob, all day and night. I thought by now we’d be on proper meals like all the other babies I see but it just simply isn’t happening. I feel like im failing my baby and I should be doing more but we’ve tried purées/spoon feeding and also BLW. Baby went through the tiniest phase of self feeding with certain fruits but we’re back to square one again. I know every baby is different but at almost 1 years old I just can’t help but feel so disappointed. We have a development check soon and I’m just so embarrassed to say that our weaning is non existent 😭I don’t really know why I’m even saying all of this but maybe someone can relate? Or anyone has any advice? Thank you in advance x
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Sounds so noddy but do you sit down to eat with your LO? I find my son ate best in the beginning if i was also eating! Especially if he shared from my bowl/spoon xx

We had a bump in weaning and it helped to try some different things, my baby really wants to try the food I'm eating not her own stuff. Generally dislikes a spoons and wants me to use my own hands or her own. If your baby is loving your milk you can try mixing it into some purees?

I know it’s not ideal but i find sometimes my LO eats better if im just holding him and offering food with my hands from my own plate versus sitting in an high chair with his own plate 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have two daughters (a toddler and a 10month old). I approached weaning the same with both of them when they were 6 months. One daughter was super picky and just has no interest in food. The other ate everything and was very interested. I guess the point of my post is that some babies are good eaters and some aren’t. Just like adults are. Do what you can to encourage eating but main thing is making sure mealtimes remain fun (whatever they eat or don’t eat) and that you know over time it will get better (it does, I promise). My ‘picky’ eater is now just a very normal toddler who has her favourite foods and still has lots of foods she won’t eat too.

We are in a very similar position to you so can relate....I'm trying so hard but today I said to my husband I feel like a failure as she's just not getting it and we aren't making any progress :( it's so disheartening isn't it!! I understand how you are feeling....we bottle here if you ever want to chat/rant. Keep going, we have to believe they will get there :) xx

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