I’ve only just potty trained my Dec 21 baby about 5/6 weeks ago. He was the same, at one point withholding his poo for 9 days and then when he did go, he would do it in his pants 3/4 times over about 2 hours. When I tried to encourage him to use the potty he would get so upset and say it was stuck. This last 2 weeks he would be crying about a sore tummy a few days after withholding. I then suggested that we ‘do a poo together’ hoping that him sitting on the potty with me on the loo would encourage him to go. The first time we were sitting for 30 minutes but nothing. We were only out of the bathroom for 20 minutes when he asked to go back and ‘do a poo together’ and this time he was successful. Up until yesterday, he would ask for us to go together any time he needed a poo. I’ve spent an unbelievable amount of time sitting on the loo this last two weeks 😂. But yesterday and today he has pooed independently on the potty without me having to sit with him. Hopefully it continues 🤞.
Thank you. I’ll try that today!! We are now at day 9!😥
Our little girl did this when we potty trained her. I just kept reminding her it was so important to poo and also asked nursery to talk to her about it as well as she started pooing herself there for a week or so. She still won’t poo at nursery but will go at home. We started letting her poo in her nappy so she would tell us when she needed to go, I also gave her probiotics in her milk which helped bring it on and in the end she just decided to poo on the potty. It took weeks though, I hope he gets the confidence soon ☺️
P.s we have been to doctor and he has been given a laxative but still not working!! 😒