At home remedies to relieve constipation

My nearly 12 week old has pooped once in the last 5 days and is super gassy, she’s in a lot of pain when she’s trumping. I’ve tried all sorts to help her get things moving, bicycle legs, baby massage and moving her hips from side to side etc. but nothing seems to be working. Obviously getting her in at the drs is not the easiest at this time of the year so wanted to see if anyone had any advice? She’s EBF and when she did poo a couple days ago it was still soft but a bit thicker than usual so unsure on whether she’s actually constipated or just doesn’t need to go? Thanks in advance!
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A warm bath with water poured over baby’s tummy usually helps my little boy. I know it’s not feasible for everyone but we also have a swing chair that vibrates and 10 minutes in there always works a treat 😂

@Imogen thank you ! Will give it a try x

EBF babies can go a really long time between poos! Once a week can be normal and expected

I had this recently, took my baby to gp at 7 days and they said don't worry, bring him back if it gets to 10 and they'd give him a laxative. But he pooped later that day anyway. He's on 4 days again now but I'm not worried.

@Charley yeah I’ve read that on Google! Everyone seems to say different things so it’s mega confusing 🫤 What do you think to the gassiness and pain when passing gas? Does that indicate constipation?

For my baby drinking a bit of water did the job, like 10ml and he was ready to go

@Abi no I don't think it indicates constipation I just think they are still learning how to coordinate the muscles of their bowel so sometimes they have to work hard for a fart!

Little bit of cool boiled water helped my little one, and massage the bottom of their feet. It's like a reflex :) x

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