@Imogen thank you ! Will give it a try x
EBF babies can go a really long time between poos! Once a week can be normal and expected
I had this recently, took my baby to gp at 7 days and they said don't worry, bring him back if it gets to 10 and they'd give him a laxative. But he pooped later that day anyway. He's on 4 days again now but I'm not worried.
@Charley yeah I’ve read that on Google! Everyone seems to say different things so it’s mega confusing 🫤 What do you think to the gassiness and pain when passing gas? Does that indicate constipation?
For my baby drinking a bit of water did the job, like 10ml and he was ready to go
@Abi no I don't think it indicates constipation I just think they are still learning how to coordinate the muscles of their bowel so sometimes they have to work hard for a fart!
Little bit of cool boiled water helped my little one, and massage the bottom of their feet. It's like a reflex :) x
A warm bath with water poured over baby’s tummy usually helps my little boy. I know it’s not feasible for everyone but we also have a swing chair that vibrates and 10 minutes in there always works a treat 😂