Also for gas if baby is coming off the teat/ boob then going back on a lot might be swallowing air causing the gas. The ready made formula can be more bubbly than the powder formula as well which might contribute
1. 60ml is not too much for an 8 day old baby. If he’s finishing bottles, make another ounce as he may be ready to have 3 ounces. 2. Was this formula recommended by a health professional? What made you go for the comfort milk? 3. Keep offering your breasts and only give formula as a last resort.
Congratulations!! My little one also had jaundice and was advised to feed formula since my breastmilk wasn’t fully established at that time. We initially had Kendamil ready to feed but was suggested to get something else so made the switch to Aptamil ready to feed and continuously did that until 2 weeks where the health visitor advised that formula was easier for little ones to digest rather than ready to feed. I agree with the above, it is important that your baby needs to burp in between feeds or after feed to avoid gas problems. Strongly suggest checking baby’s latch or speak to your midwife for support to ensure baby is feeding properly from your breast. It can take time so be kind to yourself while you and baby figure it out together. All the best!
I would try pumping when he refuses to nurse so you can offer breast milk in a bottle too instead of just formula if you get any. Pumping will help with your supply, plus you will be able to see if it's a supply issue or if he just isn't wanting to put the energy into nursing. With him taking formula from the bottle after, it makes me wonder if he's getting frustrated because he isn't getting the milk fast enough nursing, or it's making him tired so he doesn't want to do it for long? Has he been checked for a tongue tie? My son has one and they said it could hinder breastfeeding because they have more difficulty getting the milk to flow and it makes them tired.
So jaundice makes them sleepy and naturally they don’t want to feed very often because of it. My little one had quite bad jaundice, very nearly had light therapy but thankfully he started cluster feeding and it literally cleared up in 2 days. I was never recommended to use formula by anyone even though he was going into hospital for daily blood tests. I did spend most of my time with little one having skin to skin - literally didn’t get dressed each day apart from going to the hospital and I put him on the boob every time he woke up and set alarms for every 2 hours over night. I had a long labour so he was tired just from that so getting feeding established took work as he didn’t want to feed. So just kept offering, kept trying and as I said when he started cluster feeding it literally cleared up in a matter of days. Our doctors were really keen I kept breastfeeding though.
If you’re wanting to EBF I’d ditch the formula asap or it’ll negatively affect your milk supply unless you’re pumping to protect it whilst baby is having formula. Have you spoken to the infant feeding team? If not I’d demand to. If you can afford I’d also get the specialised advice from a lactation consultant. My son was jaundice when born and we were never advised to give formula nor has he ever had any - it’s quite lazy advice from the doctor they should be supporting your breastfeeding journey if that’s what you wish to do. It’s very normal for newborn babies to struggle with gas - particularly if being formula fed. Are you pace feeding the bottles and taking regular breaks to wind them? Bicycle legs and gentle tummy massage can help get things moving for them. I would avoid comfort milk and just give regular formula if that’s what you’re wanting to continue with. Breastfeeding is a learning process for you and baby - give yourselves grace! Congratulations on your new baby x
For the nursing, try different nursing positions. And be patient. It took my son months to get a consistent latch all the time. Id look into an ibclc
My baby was jaundice too. I had midwives, not surgeons… They advice to breastfeed often. I did, and it helped. Also, put the baby in the sun. The light from the sun actually helps. Doesn’t matter if it’s winter, keep them warm and get sun on the face. I did self express into a cup and used a syringe to help feed her. They don’t need much at trying age, but they need food often. Put your baby on the boob more often than every 2 hours. A babies stomach is so small, and fresh, that it doesn’t take much to fill it. Don’t stress about how much you are giving. The stress will make it harder for you to breastfeed.
Feeding your baby formula will only hurt your supply in the long run. If it’s important to you to breastfeed, please continue offering the breast every 2.5-3hours from the start of the last feeding. Your baby will be fine so long as they eat AT LEAST that often from the breast.
Baby to booby first and before any formula
If struggling with gas maybe needs burped a bit more during/ after a feed. Formula tins have on them how much to give baby based on baby's age/ weight I go with weight. I use SMA and it's always been great, tried the Aldi one for cheapness but gave baby constipation and was a sticky consistency for cleaning so went back to SMA. I struggled to breastfeed first baby wasn't getting enough milk so went full formula after combo feeding for 3 months and second baby I just went straight to formula for peace of mind he was getting enough and mental health as sleeping is much improved so can't advise on 3rd question. Best of luck and congratulations!