Address it. If it’s bothered you for 4 years, it is not rediculous xx
Absolute asshole of a person. It is completely valid you still feel this way. She: dismissed your parenting, attacked you whilst also letting you know other mothers were also attacking you, and belittled you. All during such a crucial, important time. Well done for not responding to her, I would’ve lost my mind. She seems like the epitome of toxic MIL’s. I’d recommend writing down how you feel, let it all out, and slowly cut it down, short, take out as much emotion as possible, make your feelings on her behaviour universal rather than focus on that one incident; then one day, express it to her in response to her next bs comment.
It’s not ridiculous, address it, and point out anything that she has done wrong that can be criticised and then say “but I was polite enough to not belittle you about it “. Explain just because she’s a mother doesn’t mean she is qualified to pass judgement, and instead she could try being supportive and offer words of encouragement.
From experience, addressing it and letting her know how much she hurt you will help you get it off your chest for sure. Buttttt it will hurt more in the moment because she won’t take accountability and possibly will play victim (mind did). I do however feel the resentment is no longer taking over my thoughts because it’s all out there. Try to stay calm while doing it, I wish I was more composed 😆Sending you love ❤️
I totally get it. Correct me if I am wrong but the issue here is she has betrayed your trust. She lagged you and your parenting off to a group of strangers and then weaponised their responses against you. The issue is not necessarily forgiving her but not ever being able to trust her again because now you know this is something she does. It's awful and the anxiety of what she might say next really eats you up x
It’s not ridiculous after 4 years.