Took me about 3 weeks, took piriton for the itching and paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4 hours xxx
Im now 16 days pp also had 2nd degree tear for myself the pain has definitely minimised a lot to where the need for pain relief isn't needed, the itchy stage is coming to an end now too, obviously everyone heals at there own rate but a peri bottle and cool pack definitely helped sooth everything along with medication
I've got a 4th degree tear and episiotomy. By at least week 2 I felt like I could take less painkillers. I'm still only day 17 post partum and feel like I need them on odd occasion if I sit down for too long but can manage mostly. Other than that I have been moving as normal. Still haven't been for a proper walk but I can do short ones :) x
I had the same as you and it took about 2 weeks for me to be able to walk ok, sit ok and be able to lay down ok without feeling discomfort
I’m 2 weeks postpartum and had an episiotomy and tore internally. My stitches came apart after a week but they decided not to re-stitch them and said it would heal on its own but may take an extra week. As long as I stay on top of my painkillers the pain is manageable and I’m finding I’m able to do more now but still getting some discomfort walking and sitting down. I would recommend not looking down there, I made that mistake yesterday and it did not make me feel good. I have been doing sitz baths morning and night as the doctor recommended them so hoping they will help with healing.
I found sleeping on my side with my pregnancy pillow helped allot, I’m 1 week PP taking paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4 hours only when the pain is getting worse try sitting more on your hip then your bottom takes the pressure off of the area! Hope you start feeling better soon my lovely x
18 days post partum. Totally empathize with your post and I felt the same. Keep on top of pain killers. I’ve found using the peri-bottle and the shower to be helpful. Also being mindful of how I’m sat / lying down. It’s rough but hang in there 💜 In the last few days the pain has reduced. In my experience the midwives will tell you “it’s normal” but keep telling them it the pain doesn’t start to ease. Just want to say how rough it is but it should get a bit better with each day 💜
It takes time :( take paracetamol?