No not too early, they should get them all by 2 years of age but all children are different and get teeth at different stages my little girl also has all bets apart from her final molars and no signs yet but other day she wouldn't let me out the brush to the back of her mouth to the right side at the bottom so maybe xx
@Mikaela yeah we’ve been dribbly for maybe 2-3 weeks but showed no signs of discomfort. Such a pain isn’t it, we were hoping for a break too! Least it’ll be out the way right 🫣
@Kirsty sounds like it could be coming!! Or maybe there’s food stuck between her teeth so definitely check that. I know that can be uncomfortable 😬
@Helen We had major dribbles for about two weeks with no pain and then the last two weeks have been on and off discomfort, crying fits and sleep struggles!
@Kirsty actually the NHS website said they should all be in by 2-3 years.. not 2
@Shay I don't actually follow the NHS in regards to teeth... I follow what's happened with my previous children and I've had 4 but if you would like to follow that then that's fine xx
@Shay I also said should but all children are different xx
@Kirsty last molars are called 2 year molars because they normally start coming in when they're around 2-2.5. NHS takes their info from a lot more children than just 4...
@Mikaela totally understand this.. I'm also not here to argue over it.. Everyone has their own opinion xx
@Kirsty yes but when you say should it implies that the majority of kids when in fact that’s not the case, your original comment doesn’t indicate at all that your talking from personal experience (which is nothing to go by at all). My son didn’t get teeth until he was almost 1 and now 6 months after that he only has 6 teeth. It’s silly of me to think by his 2nd birthday all the rest of his teeth “should” already be through based on your 4 kids. Every child is different and 2-3 is a range and not exact ages as there will still be some that still don’t have a full set of milk teeth by 3.
@Shay your continuing a Convosation that isn't needed to be continued. I was stating my experience and I was led to belive by my health visitor from having my first child that this was the case and this is what I go by, if other people don't want to then they don't have to... My children all got there first 6!teeth by 9 months and my daughter is now 18 months and has all but 4 molars... I've also said every child is different and they get teeth at different months ect.. Also the same has milestones like rolling /sitting ect... You have your opinion and I have mine..
@Kirsty wait so now it was your health visitor? 🤯 I thought you was going on what happened previously with your 4 kids? Well I take everything the health visitor says with a pinch (fistful) of salt because so far they have been wrong about everything and the ones I have dealt with have very outdated views and opinions
@Shay yeah I agree most of what a health visitor says is incorrect... And yeah my other children have all followed what I was originally advised by her but like I said all children are different... I just follow this with my children has its what happened but everyone else on here doesn't have to agree has this is my experience not theres x
The teething range is huge! While the second molars are typically around the 2 mark, they can be anywhere from 17months-36months from guides I’ve read but some may even get them before or after that. My girl has also been an early teether and has all of them except for second molars. She has been showing on & off teething signs for a good 6 weeks and can feel them bulging on the bottom (less so the top, bottom are typically the first for these). But no idea when eruption will actually occur. She occasionally says teeth to tell us they are bothering her and I’ll rub her gums. But I guess as these are so big, there lots happening under the surface before it becomes more obvious/peak teething. So yes definitely possible to get them this early and so could be teething but also could be other things going on too as 18 months is big developmentally for their brains and then Christmas on top. And then the teething might go on/off. I’d do abnesol liquid gold before bed just in case.
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@Lauren bless her!! Love that she can tell you her teeth are hurting. What a useful word to know! Yeah can definitely feel the effects of this period 🫠 a not very holly jolly Christmas after all
Mine is teething and I can feel the final molars coming in (she has the rest of her teeth already too) but they've been coming in on and off for a whole month so I don't know when they'll break through! She got the rest of hers early too and thought maybe we'd get a break before the final molars but nope 😴