What dpo did you get a positive on a digital?

My boyfriends skeptical after our miscarriage in september. I’ve had faint but visible lines on 4 different pregnancy tests today and yesterday, this morning I took a Clear Blue ultra early digital (the one with the red stop light) and it’s saying Not pregnant. Slightly frustrating, as i can see lines on all my other tests, and I know he just wants to see it in words! I think I’m about 10dpo today. I’d like to buy the weeks indicator tests but I know they take even more HCG to come up positive.
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Your hg levels may just be too low for a digital still give it another 48-72hrs

Can you post your pics for us to look at x

I would have been 4 weeks ( I have had my dating scan) so 12 DPO I got my first faint lines at 10DPO x

@Heather yes x

According to my ovulation tests i’m 3w 4d today x

They're definitely positive!!! Congratulations I'd do a digital in 3-4 days x

Definitely all positive congratulations 🥳

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