Milk intake

My little boy is 4 months old and has suddenly stopped drinking all his milk! He will have 2 / 3 oz and then refuse it!! He does this with most of his feeds now! I’m worried he’s not getting enough!
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Mines the same 4 months never finishes a bottle anymore. She is teething though. I think it’s just a phase I am not worried x

Mine is 5 months in early Jan and is doing exactly the same! But he’s eating well overnight 🤣🫠🫠🫠

I came on here to post the same thing! My little girl was drinking 7oz bottles and finishing them. She's now only have 2-4oz most of the time and then refusing any more. She's been like this since she had her jabs 2 weeks ago, then had a cold and now I'm sure she's teething, so I'm assuming it's because of this?

Same happened to me, he then started teething

It's happening to us right now too! It's good to hear it's hopefully a phase


This happened to us but we're now back to where we were after about 4 weeks of her changing her habits

This makes me feel so much better! Thank you everyone xx

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