Ahhh my little one has been like this for a good week or so now. But if she’s sleeping through surely she’s still getting enough milk because she’s not waking for a feed? I don’t know babies are confusing🤣 I’ve always been really lucky with her sleep though xx
My little one has been properly teething for a couple of weeks, no teeth through yet 😭. His feeds dropped from bout 900ml per day to 500-600ml. He seems content, but I have reached out to HV to see what they say.
Teething is so rough😭 my lg has just cut her other tooth today and she’s struggling with it a lot, only drank about 600ml today🤦🏼♀️
I was worried too about the drop in milk but it only lasted a few days. We've got 2 teeth through now! He's been really unsettled at night unfortunately too xx