
Why did you not warn me that teething would be such a "I don't even know the word for this "? From the difficulty sleeping at night, the fever she had last night freaked me out, the clingliness gosh all for two little teeth. What have you guys been using? Hook me up please cuz I can't.
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We use Tylenol at the pediatrician recommended dosage- if adults teethed the way babies do we’d be asking for opioids because it’s painful. However- fevers are NOT associated with teething and you should see a provider 😬 hope this helps! Good luck- we’ve got four teethed cutting right now

I second the use of Tylenol! But just recently our pediatrician gave us the okay to give her small doses of chamomile tea. It’s a common ingredient in over the counter teething gels or like tablets so I just asked my pediatrician if I can just give her tea itself after it’s cooled down. So we’ve been alternating between the Tylenol and chamomile tea. My daughter is cutting 6 teeth right now

Fever is associated with teething but your pediatrician won’t tell you that.

If you rotate baby tylenol and Motrin as needed it will be a tremendous help for you. Also a tell tell sign if they need medication they will be fussier than usual and harder to calm down which typically means they could have a headache. I make sure to space out the medicine perfectly where I can give him some Tylenol right before bed and before his night bottle. They will sleep much better.

Calpol and nurofen and Ashton and parsons teething powder and I've a dummy that i can put frozen pellets of her baby food for my LG to gum on

Boiron Camilia Teething Drops for Daytime and Nighttime Relief of Painful or Swollen Gums and Irritability in Babies - 30 Count Search this on Amazon! They work wonders! My friends baby was teething just before mine and when I saw how her son immediately stopped crying I had to know what it was!

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