Cereal for toddlers

What cereals do people offer their toddlers? My little boy used to love porridge and weatobix but is preferring foods he can feed himself at the moment. He loves cheeros, but not sure what others to try that arnt chocolate flavour (he absolutely loves chocolate but don’t want him to get into a habit of having this taste for breakfast)
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Rice krispies are a big hit with my little boy. He has them as his second breakfast at nursery 😂

My little girl also love rice krispies. She alsonhas shreddies but they can be a bit harder to scoop on a spoon.

Rice Krispies are a winner for us too.

My son has multigrain hoops at nursery and apparently loves them.

My son likes the doves farm ancient grain hoops and the rude health honey spelt hoops (fairly high in sugar so he only has it occasionally). If he’s having a fussy day I sometimes offer a bowl of cornflakes as a backup meal and it’s usually a winner. The bear alphabites look good as well but sadly my little boy is allergic to oats so we’ve not tried them ourselves

Rice Krispies and cornflakes are a hit

Thanks guys. I’ve bought some rice kripsies today, and also found sown rice Krispy multigrain shapes. Fingers crossed he’ll like them as much as cheerios so I can mix it up for him xx

Ready brek or cheerios

My little girl loves cornflakes/bran flakes and like the mini shreddies xx

Obsessed with shreddies here!

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