What alternative to medication are you guys using for your postpartum depression?

I was just diagnosed last night and it was a little bit of a shock to my system, but I’m working through it and I’m grateful for a good therapist, an amazing midwife and an incredible village of wonderful women💕 because of the amount of support that I have I’m able to extend some resources or some suggestions for people that have questions about my journey and what it looks like💕
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I used marijuana. I had postpartum rage, anxiety, and depression and I did a lot of research spoke to someone at the shop on the best strain for me and it really did help. I tried antidepressants in the past but hated the way they made me feel so I refused to go back on them

That’s how I’m feeling about medication‘s too. I just have a lot of things working gets me in regards to medication‘s having symptoms and I just don’t know if I wanna deal with that. I think my approach is to get the prescription filled and have them on hand if I like have an episode that’s bad because I have an amazing support network of women and family members and a midwife to therapist. Who care about me and one of them will be able to reason with me at that point But at this point, I’m not like feeling like I’m gonna harm myself or others or any of that people are so worried I’m gonna like “snap”

I’m currently trying to breast-feed and I can’t take care of one of my breast-feed but maybe what I can do is try some CBD gummy’s to help me sleep I’m also gonna try some melatonin because right now. I’m just fighting sleep deprivation like nothing else.

Medication was the only thing that helped my post partum anxiety. I'm unmedicated for another disorder, so I have tons of good coping mechanisms and skills, but nothing was working. Generic Zoloft helped so much with no side effects

I think it’s important to note medication is not an immediate fix and really doesn’t help if taken when an episode is occurring. It takes time to get into your system and start working, about 2-3 weeks at least. I prefer marijuana, but that’s just what worked for me.

Probiotics, specially L.Reuteri or Kefir. You will feel better after taking it for weeks

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