I definitely know what you mean my husband and my mom have such contention. It’s so frustrating especially because I feel like I have the social enlightenment with birth, but it really is just a manifestation of my postpartum depression and anxiety, ADHDOCD and autism making this nice little cocktail that makes me think I have social employment.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, there is nothing wrong with formula and it sounds like switching to formula might be the best choice for your mental health, which is the most important thing of all. Hang in there mama ❤️
I’m so sorry you’re going thru this. Do you access to social workers or mental health specialist? Now would be a good time to find one and talk this out. I lost my mother to cancer when I was a child and I just had my first baby at 36 years old. I thought losing her was the hardest thing ever but having a baby and not having her is by far harder. Try Rula.com for specialist near you.
Hey beautiful mama out of curiosity do you have people that you can talk to about this? They do recommend that you can call the hotline. I’m definitely more than willing to talk to you about it, but I wanna make sure that you’ve extended those resources first at the end of the day, you’re trying to gather tools to put in your toolbox so that you can fix yourself as you’re healing💕