Bottle teat size.

I tried my LO on a size 2 teat a couple of days ago & he threw a lot of it back up as I think the flow was too fast. He does suffer with reflux & has gaviscon from the GP. Should I keep trying with the size 2 teat? Or stick to size 1 for the time being. Not really sure the reasons for changing the teat size if they are happy? Or is it essential to change them for development purposes? Thanks.
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From my understanding, the different teat flows basically just depends on what your baby prefers! If baby seems happy and isn’t getting angry with the flow of teat size 1 I would stick with that! X

I was recommended by a lactation consultant to move my LO to size 0 as she was gulping the milk down fast on size 1 and it was contributing to her reflux. We are also using Gaviscon. It also depends on their latch and if they let in too much air, which my baby does, so the lower teat size is better for her. Fast flow contributes to excess air.

How do you know if your baby needs gaviscon? Thanks in advance

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