Won't pull down/up pants

My little boy is 2y5m and is doing really well with potty training as long as he's got a bare bum, hasn't had a accident when naked for over a month, but as soon as we put pants on him he's peeing in them and not grasping the concept of having to pull his pants down to use the potty. We've tried explaining and showing him how to pull them down but he gets really frustrated and angry and doesn't want them being taken off. Have tried making it a game, got a book potty training book for him, showed him on teddy's, and nothing is working, just dunno how to crack this next step. Any tips?
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Is he wearing anything under the pants? If he is wearing training undies, her might not feel wet enough.

He may just not have the fine/gross motor skills for it yet. You can do other motor skill activities appropriate for his age to build some of the muscles to help him (can’t think of any off the top of my head). That could possibly help

Interesting my 2 and half year old is doing exactly the same. I did wonder if she wasn’t quite ready yet. I’m so new to all this

@Reagan he can do it when he wants to get undressed, is just refusing to do it for the potty or to let me help him do it

@Tonicha ohh okay does he do it in just underwear?

@Reagan he has done it it when wearing just pull ups, its why we started training cuz he just kept getting naked, but has not when in proper pants, but don't think he's been in just them long enough before he pees in them to pull them down himself

@Tonicha it may be he just needs to get used to it

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