Honestly the dates are super inaccurate at that stage. You'll have a dating scan in a few weeks that will give you a better idea of how far along you are and an approximate "due" date. But the measurements are so small that they can be off. You're talking something the size of a poppyseed, so even a half milimetre can make a difference. 😅 When I was pregnant they had my LMP date off for almost the entire pregnancy, even though I kept correcting them. They assumed my LMP date was February 10th but it was actually more like the 1st. And I definitely know when I had sex because it was only one or two times that month and my husband was away for part of it. 🤣🤣 Their numbers never quite added up but I have a healthy 1yo so who really cares? These dates will become irrelevant to you super quickly.
@Chloe that's why I'm thinking is something wrong because my lmp was 6weeks 5days ago but I'm 7 weeks 2days today by babies measurments, I had a mc in October so I'm not sure if the bleeding I had was actually a real P or not, I was really shocked when I went for my scan I though I must be about 4/5 weeks and when he told me I was 6werks 5days straight away I said "how" because that brings me over my lmp date. X
The whole thing is wonky. I understand to a point. Because I didn’t have a last missed period date they went off his size and milestones. No clue how it works
Your lmp date is irrelevant as it’s dated from your last actual period. Having said that though it’s all just guess work until you get to 12 weeks anyway so I wouldn’t be stressing at this point.
I don’t get it either tbh. According to my LMP I’d be due a whole month earlier than I am. If you aren’t sure they go by the dating scan as it’s supposed to be more accurate. Can you raise your concerns with your OB/GP? Was the MC confirmed?
4 day difference on measurement is not much, it will likely change. You didn’t get pregnant on the 6th, you got pregnant on or around the 18th
@Sharnee yes iv had 4 mcs so I'm hoping this is my rainbow baby xx
It goes from the date of the last period you had. I was super confused too. If I understood your post wrong let me know. I didn’t know the date of my last period because it was so messed up so I have no clue how they gave me my dates. I was 5 weeks pregnant and had conceived about 3.5 weeks prior when I found out.