Teething help!
My LG is 7 months in 2 weeks. She got her bottom two teeth just before 5 months, for the last 3-4 weeks her top gums have been super swollen and red and she’s been really bitey and drooly. The last week especially she’s been drooling, crying, irritable and everything seems to upset her and the swelling is worse. There’s definitely two lumps for teeth decending there like there was w the bottom
She was pretty fine with the bottom two. Cried but not like this at all 😮💨 she is screaming crying, refusing food, calpol and teething gels and powders aren’t working. She chews on cucumbers and stuff but that doesn’t help much either 😭 any advice on some relief for her much appreciated!!
** we have tried
Ashton and parsons gel and powder
Chilled teethers and cloths
All types of teethers
Frozen breastmilk in a munchin
Frozen puree
We use wellments teething oil at night and if it’s really bad, Tylenol.