@Marla okay, so offer to her even though if she does not ask for it?
Yeah maybe start with 2oz just to see if she’ll take it so you don’t waste milk. I’ve heard it’s roughly 1oz to 1hour.
@Marla yeah sometimes I do be giving 2 ounces to start then the other 2 if she is still hungry. But after a long sleep of hours and hours I do 4 and then she stays crying bad so I have to then make 2 more, but that is not everyday that is occasionally!
Mine is the same, she's also doing 4 oz. Assuming she is gaining weight normally, my pediatrician said it's totally fine and normal for them to have weeks where they eat very frequently and others where they space it out (if they've gained weight steadily so far). My baby has been sleeping a lot more lately so she's skipped feedings occasionally. I've been monitoring her weight and she's still slowly gaining. I would still ask your pediatrician next visit though!
@nazira :) makes me at peace to hear that from you! I will definitely ask next appointment at her 4 months check up but I will also get to see if she has gained fast like she did before or has slowed down a bit. Once she was born she kept eating and crying so so much very frequently because she wanted to be feeding all day technically. But now she has definitely decreased that 😕
If at night I’d say is fine but during the day I like to make sure he doesn’t go over 4-5 hours. Maybe try offering sooner even if they don’t cry