Is this your first attempt? As if you’re prone to miscarriages it advises to wait for 8 weeks until resuming sexual activity.
My clinic said pelvic rest for at least 2 weeks after FET I believe
I rested completely for 48 hours then did low impact walks. Held off everything else until I got a positive test, 2 weeks later. Due to a history of miscarriage I still took it easy until our 7 week scan and then started to resume normal activities but always kept exercise to low impact exercise.
@Monae 13dpt
@T This is my 4th FET, my first 2 were losses/MC.
@Anne I usually do HITT or spin classes, I’m still early on and want to wait but not sure how long exactly
I haven't gone back to the gym yet (currently 14 weeks) but that is mainly due to Christmas hols I would have commenced right after my 12 week scan if I could. Likewise was waiting till 12 week scan to recommence sexual activities. Having had 2 miscarriages before I just didn't want to risk it.
I definitely would wait then. Not worth risking it. We’ve just had our third transfer with a positive (found out Christmas Eve) first ended in failure and then loss. I really miss the intimacy too but just know I’d blame myself if anything happened instead of waiting.
I'd say the same as the other ladies. If miscarriages are something you've experienced, then I'd wait til end of trimester 1 at least to go back. I'm 19 weeks now, after FET and 4 previous miscarriages and I haven't gone back to HIIT at all. As much as I love it and miss it, I want to give us every chance for this to work successfully. I'm doing swimming and hiking instead so not sedentary but in my view, a short term change in lifestyle is worth it for the potential reward
My clinic recommends no sex until a heartbeat is detected. So for us, that was when I was 6weeks & 1day.
How many days are you after FET?