Is it full time or part time? I’m a nurse and work a mix of days and nights. Nights are tough but honestly I’ll see my little boy more if I’m on nights which is nice for me. I’m part time (24 hours- so 2 shifts a week) which is fine but 3/4 nights can be more tough. Guess it also depends on what kind of job it is.
The main thing to factor in for me would be asking when you are actually going to rest? I did night shifts when I was a lot younger and literally worked and slept. I can't imagine doing it with a baby I'd want to spend time with.
It’s a full time position, office based but potentially quite a pressured and stressful role. The money would be good which I think is part of the temptation… my daughter is at nursery in the week from 8-3 so I kind of thought if I had a nightshift I could get home and sleep til it was time to pick her up but maybe that’s naive!! I know midwife’s and nurses etc manage to do it but if I’m going to be really struggling and putting a strain on everything in my personal life it’s not worth it. Just so hard to picture what life would look like without trying it and I don’t want to risk everything! Maybe it is the wrong timing…
I'm a nurse and done a lot of night shifts since having my son 3 years ago. I find I cope better on less sleep and like others say you see little one more as you work while they sleep and you sleep while they are at nursery. I only sleep about 5 hours for night shifts so have the rest of afternoon and evening to spend with hubby and kids. But like others have said it's what works for you
I work 12 hour night shifts, but I also only work 5 shifts a fortnight, and only two nights in a row at a time. My girl is 13 months as well, but also goes to daycare so whenever I work nights she’s either in daycare or my husband is home. Therefore, I have no issue with it, but I’ve never had to experience working all night and then only getting to sleep in the day when she sleeps. I also sleep like shit during the day anyway and only manage 5 hours max, but you just kind of get used to it!
I’m a cna part time only working weekends! I enjoy it because I mainly gotten used to being productive at night since I had my 10m but for the most part I enjoy it and I’m able to have my family take him for the weekend
If you already have her in daycare during the day then night shift isn't that bad once your body adjusts to it and you have to make sure you sleep soon as you get home though but if it's a mixture of shifts then it's gunna be hard for sure since the sleep schedule will be all messed up. I won't do nights since I don't have daycare and there's no way he's going to let me sleep even if someone was here since kids are loud.
I work 2 12 hour nights a week at a hospital , a Thursday and Friday night, my 2 year old goes to nursery Friday mornings 8-1 so usually sleep then and then my partner has him Saturday mornings. This is the only way I can work but it works for us. Before he started nursery I was staying awake with him and it was really hard work and wouldn’t recommend as it’s never guaranteed they sleep.
I only managed 2 night shifts when my little girl was between 1&2 years old. I was shattered working a 12 hour night shift & then staying awake all day. It wasn’t healthy at all. However it does work for some people! You can’t say so unless you give it a go. My body doesn’t agree with nights regardless so I don’t think that helped my situation! Xx