Blood in poop

Hey , I went to the doctors on the 17th of December and my baby had blood in her poop and her doctor said that is a diary allergy. Had this happen to anyone else?
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Was your doctor not concerned about it?


My lo had this several times a week for months (between 3 and 8 months old). We saw a peadiatrician specialising in allergies: we knew it couldn't be a dairy allergy that started it because I was following a strict vegan diet and was exclusively breastfeeding when it started. I stopped soy and gluten and saw some improvement but still occasional spots of bloods (at least once a week). We saw a paediatrician gastroenterologist who said he wasn't worried because lo was happy and growing well - no help. We did a blood test - everything was normal. We also did an abdominal ultrasound on yet another paediatrician's recommendation to rule out polyps - no polyps. In the end, we never really knew what cause it, but it did stop, and we're now slowly reintroducing all food groups with no issue. Did your doctor run any tests? Have you removed dairy from your diet? If so, have you seen any improvement?

My baby literally had blood falling out of his butt and he has a milk allergy its stopped now he's on prescription milk, my paediatrician said its a type 2 allergy, most babies throw up n stuff where as our babies it hurts there tummies and intestines n causes a bit of damage causing blood in there stools, my baby also had very mucusy poos, rashes and was conjested since birth. He was diagnosed at 4 weeks. They r supposed to grow out of it by 1 years old most of the time they do, and don't worry about them not developing properly on special milk because my baby is 16 weeks and he has been rolling over every way since 14 weeks and had started sitting up on his own for a few weeks, some mums think prescription milk won't give them them what they need but that's not true x

Yes! My son had this and I had to fight to be heard about it. My dr didn’t even confirm an allergy diagnosis on paper so I can’t do anything about it yet. He’s already on sensitivity formula. Going to switch pediatricians and get a diagnosis and prescription for dairy free formula.

@Heather doctors are useless about allergies in babies (at least mine is). I’m getting a new doctor soon hopefully

@Shawna as part of being dairy-free did you also stay clear of food that doesn’t have dairy in ingredients but could have trace amounts? For example, some labels say that the food is prepared in a facility that also processes dairy. I am going through a process of elimination for my daughter and curious how strict the dairy-free diet should be.

@Willow @Charlie which formula do you use?

@Kamakshi originally was on aptamil, then after diagnosis aptamil pepti 1 but was still having a reaction so now he's on neocate and has been for last 8 weeks and he's doing well x

Thank you! @Willow

Thank you! @Shawna

@Alice did your pediatrician run tests to determine if it’s an allergy? If so, what tests were they?

@Kamakshi I use similac sensitive with the orange lid. There’s also similac sensitive premium but I’ve noticed no difference between the two. (though when it’s out of stock, I’ll use parents choice as it’s comparable). I’m hoping to get the similac alimentum with the prescription but we’ll see.

@Charlie I’m so sorry to hear that. I had to go through three doctors before the one my son has now.

Yes this happened to my first birth was diagnosed with cows milk Protein allergy x

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