10 month sleep regression?

Has anyone experienced a 10 month sleep regression? Ever since crawling, she's woken up multiple times during the night (especially the early evening) crying inconsolably until held and rocked back to sleep. She was an excellent sleeper until around 2 weeks ago and this last week has been the worst for her sleep. She is also now waking between 4-5am for the start of the day (the only way we can get her back to sleep is in our bed or by holding otherwise she just cries). It was 6-6:30am before. She's also having a night feed still (she's on 3 good meals a day + 2-3 milks of 200ml in the day) which I think is too much milk...but she drinks the whole lot at night and nothing else will console her until she's had the milk. Does anyone have any ideas as to whether this sounds like a typical sleep regression/growth spurt or whether I need to do something different with routine? Her bedtime is currently 7 for a 7:30 sleep.
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My 10 month old is doing similar at the moment. Was an okay sleeper until recently, multiple wake ups through the night (no feeds) but needs to be held and rocked back to sleep and then halfway through the night will only sleep in our bed 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m really hoping this is just a phase!

my 10 month old has been hell to get down of a night time recently! 11pm she finally went the other day! i could have cried! she occasionally wakes once in the night where we have to rock her back to sleep, but she normally goes quite easily then! my little one has 5 bottles of 6oz plus 3 meals a day! i just googled how much milk her age should be having and divided it to a reasonable amount across the 5 feeds! i have read there is a 10 month sleep regression (i read ‘taking cara babies’ alot) it basically suggests just keeping them in a routine and riding it out (which is no help at all when your getting no sleep) we do bedtime at 7-7.30 but depending on how easy she goes down, depends on what time she falls asleep! i do highly recommend taking cara babies. i’ve used their sample schedules since my little one was about 4 months, for naps, feed times and bed time! maybe worth having a look at as a potential attempt?

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