Potty training

I am FTM. I dont know am i doing right or wrong. Today is our first day of training. I putt off the nappy all day and bring her to the toilet every 30-40 min. She sit there but didnot do wee on the toilet just do on the pjamas. I chnged 10 pjams today . No single succesfull attempt. Is it due to first day or is it early for her???. After doing poop she started to give me sign by pointing at her nappy thats why i started. Today i just end up chnging the bottoms. Should i quit it or is the right way.. confused!!! Any experienced mum
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How old is she?

20 months

I'm at my second day of potty training my 20 months old boy and he has done pretty well! Still has accidents here and there but he is picking it up, today he also had 2 poos in the toilet! I made sure I talked to him lots coming up to potty training, I was talking about what we would be doing and what he needed to do, I also made him assemble the toilet training seat when it was delivered and I got him involved in which underwear to buy for him. He knew we were gonna get rid of all nappies(apart from nap and bedtime) and he was okay with it, I made a great scene of getting rid of them in a box. I listened to audio book, i can send the link if you like. If you started, I would give it a shot and see if she does pick it up, make sure you make it fun but be firm about what she should do 😊 Honestly the audio book helped me lots as I was always too busy to actuallt read the book and listening to it helped me get on with other stuff in the meantime.

I hope this helps and I would keep trying if I were you but make sure she knows what's going on and if it really is not sticking, you can try again later on but give it a go, you've got this!

@Sabrina yes please send


Personally I think 20 months is probably too early. Just because she is showing awareness that she is filling her nappy, does not mean she is ready to be potty trained yet. Don't rush to potty train her just because it's more convenient for you. I would remove the pressure otherwise. For now, have a potty lying around the house where she plays but keep the nappies - encourage use of the potty whenever she may show interest in it but don't pressure her to use it. Reward and make a big fuss when she does but don't worry if she doesn't. She'll get there when she's ready

Totally normal. They have to figure out the sensation realise when they need to go and that they need to hold it. Ay this age it takes a while, but it's totally doable. Even after training, it's normal to have an accident here and there. We use toilet for a year now and catch pretty much all poos, we attempted potty in September, she was doing great and on day 4 refused to go on potty. We tried again this week and on day 2 she started teething really bad and was grumpy and now shouts at potty unless it's the morning one, so gonna wait another month now. (She started to tell us when she's peeing and pulling off her diaper last week too, so I think it's just bad luck teething came too)

I read the Oh Crap Potty Training book and recommend it. We did the first few days bottomless(naked bottom) and my son picked it up quick. Just remember to not put a ton of pressure on them(or you!) when they are so little. It might take a little longer but it's worth it

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