Starting to wean

I’m struggling big time with starting to wean my 6 month old. I’ve attempted to try her on pouches and jars to get used to different flavours and textures but everytime I try she’s just spitting it out. She hasn’t taken any food and I feel like I’m doing it all wrong. Where do I start? And what’s the best things to try her with? She has CMPA so will attempt the milk ladder at 9 months as advised by dietician. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Apparently it takes up to 10 tries for a baby to get used to to a new taste so maybe just keep trying and don’t get discouraged x

If your comfortable put it in babies bottle with a little milk. You could do a 6oz bottle with a half of cup of the pure. I would say start small so if baby doesn’t take it. You won’t waste a lot of milk. You could do a 4oz bottle with 1 tsp of the pure

If she doesn't like the pouches and jars maybe try making the food from scratch instead

is it normal/ok to wean a 6 month old? i have a 6 month old and i just cant imagine weaning them off milk. i was told by a dr that water wasnt ok until around 1 y/o

The first step is to not get discouraged by baby spitting out food. They are going to spit out food. They will throw food. They will refuse to eat. This is all part of the weaning process. It will last years. It may be alright at first, baby may take to food for a few months, and then they will completely regress again. You'll end up giving them cheerios and bananas because they literally will not take anything else. For now, don't stress it. They will eat. Just keep offering healthy foods and different flavours and textures. 6 months is way too early to worry about intake. Up to around 1 year of age, most of their nutrition comes from milk anyway. Food is just for exploring and while they do need a certain amount of nutrients from food, however much does end up in their mouth will be enough. Just take it as it comes and keep mealtimes fun and positive. Offer foods she seems to like combined with newer foods and foods that you regularly eat. It isn't going to happen overnight, just be patient.

@Daniela Water is fine from 6 months but you don't wean off milk straight away. You need to do it slowly. You will find your child will drop feeds when ready

@Daniela i think it’s more so if getting them to try foods but not stopping milk completely. They may drink a little less once they starting eating foods but they should have milk daily until 1y

You're definitely not doing it wrong! My baby is nearly 8 months so we've been weaning for nearly 2 and the only thing he will actually swallow consistently is yoghurt! He is enthusiastic about food, don't you dare eat something in front of him and not share but he will chew on it and spit it out! He hates pouches and purees will have maybe a few spoonfuls if that most of the time but he prefers things he can actually hold and bite/chew himself! Definitely offer a bit of water along with mealtimes as when they actually start eating a bit more it can make them a bit constipated and apparently that helps, I've also found that it helps my little one get a bit used to swallowing with the food in his mouth if he still has some in there when he takes a sip (I don't know if you're supposed to do that btw it's just what I've noticed)

We had this too, then one day she just took to the food. Baby porridge and pureed carrots were the first things she loved. Now she's trying everything and seems pretty happy with it. Although, I haven't tried her on broccoli again, since the first two attempts 😅

I’ve been using SolidStarts (First 100 days meal plan) since 6 months (8 months now) and some days my girl spits the food out and some days she eats it 🤷🏻‍♀️ but if she seems like she doesn’t like it, I leave it in front of her for a bit and eventually she starts to eat it on her own.

With my first baby I started with porridge Then started to blended up peas & carrots etc. and put into pots in the fridge (can get them on Amazon, just remember to label them with the date) also try downloading the Ella’s Kitchen weaning schedule it’s fab and gives you ideas and recipes. They can take upto 10 times to swallow food it’s their natural reflex to push it out, that goes as they grow! Just try not to put pressure on yourself, remember it’s weaning so it’s only to get them used to new tastes not fill them, that’s the milks job for now until after 1! X

Thank you everyone, this has really eased me! I appreciate all the advice and knowledge 🥰

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