No my son started teething last week and his 3 months xx I find it helps when I massage his gums with my finger as he doesn’t want a dummy or a teething toy is too big for his mouth xx I give him calpol and & Ashton & parson. Teething powder I usually either dip the dummy in the powder or put some calpol on his dummy & it soothes him xx
Yeah same here! She’s just started grabbing toys she got a little matchstick monkey (for Xmas) that’s lightweight which she is chewing on and holding well. We get through so many bibs everyday!
My baby is the same she is 3.5 months but my son got his first tooth at 4 months so thinking it could be xx
My son has been exactly the same and I was thinking the same thing, from what I have read it can be as early as 3 months although it might take a while for teeth to come through…