I would start with having her round a couple times a week with you there and start by popping to the toilet, then have a shower/bath, then pop to the shops, then leave her for an hour etc.. then just increase it gradually. I also heard the lansinoh bottles are the best for EBF babies unsure if you have tried these but a friends baby refused to take ANY bottle but these x
Following because same!
Start some settling in sessions with MIL. Start with an hour or so, move to a few hours, then a morning or afternoon. She needs to get used to her doing every task like nappies, feeding, bathing, putting to sleep etc.
Maybe take this time to get your LO used to staying with MIL ....leave her with you MIL for short periods to start off with and then progressively lengthen them out ....I say this but I'm in same situation as you but will have to use childminder ..Good luck xx