
My daughter is 8, and her nipples are starting to get puffy. Her dad wants her to start wearing a bra because you can see them in certain clothes. I don't have my mother nor friends to ask, but is it really time to wear a bra? How do I explain to her why we wear one?
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She probably should. Just a sports bra or bralette.

My 8 year old wears one. She wanted to wear old so we let her

Is there a way to explain that other kids will see the difference and often times that invites teasing? Better off to wear one so she does not need to feel embarrassed, I remember being embarrassed as a child when this happened and no one had told/helped me, 8 is old enough to understand trying to avoid school teasing. She probably hadn’t realized it yet, and would be quite embarrassed if the first time she did was at school.

Definitely should. Explain to her why you wear a bra and the importance of the security while clothed. I say start off with training bras as well.

My daughter is 8 and she needs a sports bra. My momma heart can’t bring my self to buy her one but I knowww I need to because hers show in certain clothes too.

@Latrice Jimenez I hope you do, I remember looking back on childhood memories being embarrassed by different things that could have been avoided if an adult had intervened :)

It's normal for girls to start developing around that age, and whether or not she wears a bra should depend on her comfort. She may not even notice it herself so pointing it out could make her feel self conscience. You can explain that bras are for support or comfort, but there's no rush—she should decide when she's ready. Reassure her that everyone develops at their own pace and that it’s okay to take her time. The key is to keep the conversation open and let her feel in control of her body. Society expects woman to wear them for a disgustingly long time, I wouldn’t rush her if she’s not ready, <3

My 9 year old has been wearing a bra for a while now because her poor little boobies were sensitive and bothering her. I let her pick out what she wanted at Target.

I had to start wearing training bras around that age. Id suggest starting off with that

Literally going through this. My daughter just turned 8 in November and about 2/3 months ago I noticed that it began to look a bit inappropriate for her to not have on a bra underneath her shirts. Amazon and Walmart are great places for training bras! I felt some kinda way about it initially, but I honestly like the way her shirts look so much better with bras. Now if we are just going to families house or chilling casually I don’t bother putting one on. But for school or public outings I make sure she wears one. Hope this helps mama!💚

Oh and as far as explaining… I would just let her know that her body is changing and eventually she’ll have bigger boobs like mommy.

Bleuet has a really decent beginner bra, my daughter is 10 and wears them.

I've got a 8 year old and I hope I'm years away from when this happens but yeah I would definitely get a nice quality sports bra back and or tank tops to wear under her shirt

She can wear a tank top underneath her shirt. Wearing a bra is too constricting and she needs to move her whole body to play still

I think that’s all personal opinion and how you want your daughter to feel. I told mine it’s her choice (I don’t wear one often so I won’t make her) so she wears them when she’s comfortable and when her dad asked about it I told him do not make her feel uncomfortable in her body, she shouldn’t have to be uncomfortable in a bra if she doesn’t want to. She hates wearing them, any kind, but sometimes she will. If you are someone that believes girls should wear bras then I’d talk to her about why you think it’s appropriate for her to. 💖💖💖

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Definitely a sports bra

My daughter is 8.5 and has been developing too. Ive talked to her about how our bodies change as we grow, and classmates will change at different paces and how sometimes mean teasing can result (I got teased as I was ahead of most my class), and about bras etc, and I try to just keep the conversation open. We even have both a bralette and a fitted tank on hand for when she decides she wants to. BUT, it will be her choice when she wants to start to wear them!

My daughters wears camisoles under their clothing. One is 8 and the other is 4. My 4 year old is developing more than my 8 year old because she’s bigger. If you are not comfortable with bras, consider a camisole as an alternative. Right now, it’s colder weather and you could use dressing in layers to get through winter, without bringing attention to them or to make her uncomfortable about having growing breasts at this age.

Just a bras & tanks that are pure organic fabrics that don't have forever chemicals and hormone disruptors in them...something good quality on such an important part of the body!

Yes I needed one at 9 … training bras are fine at this age

I dint force my daughter to wear a bra. At 13 now she chooses to more often than not, but even i dont always wear a bra. We've had the discussion and kept the lines of communication open on types of undergarments and why we may choose or not choose to wear them. We've gone through multiple types to land on high impact sports bras.

There are so many options now that are a tradition bra for her to be comfy in! My personal opinion is that the second she starts to show to protect her from the world, sadly.

My daughter wears sports bras. Shes about to be 9

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