Even I feel high pulse rate while laying down or after meals. I am 5 weeks too. My stomach feels hard too but mostly after lunches through the rest of the night
Sounds like Braxton hicks to me pretty normal at this stage your body is practicing for labor
Oh my 😭
Braxton hicks. I’ve been getting em since the beginning of my second trimester and I get them all the time! So annoying! I’ve been to the hospital for them twice but they assured me that it’s ok that I’m having them as much and as often as I am as they did an ultrasound on my cervix and said it’s not shortening or dilating so they said everything’s ok and that I can still work and do everything I normally do. I just find them annoying and honestly nerve wracking.
That could be Braxton Hicks or it also could be the baby turning. I experienced that when my baby turned. Either way it’s absolutely normal and if you are extremely concerned just give your doctor a call for reassurance.