@Mas it’s happening to every at her office as well as offices of theirs around the world. The women are being targeted hard where she is
Really disconcerting to hear I genuinely don't know how to explain it all It's definitely not okay. I hope she quickly finds a replacement job and that her sense of safety returns to better levels In terms of the perverse justice that people seem to be participating in, I fear Trump's politics has legitimised taking the law into your own hands. He can't be blamed for people's actions obviously but he should represent the face of decorum if people are going to go along with the idea of law and order.
@Mas I can’t believe the country I have to call home and what it has become. Some days I wonder what world I brought my son into. America is in pieces, half of us are little fucking minions and follow the leader who is leading us into certain destruction. I’m just blown away at what’s happening here
People who take out their issues with large corporations on lower level employees (customer service, etc) are just so dumb in my opinion like they don’t have the power to change anything and all you did was wreck their day and the big boss still doesn’t care so just stop
Can't she just work from home?
Insurance reps like your cousin absolutely aren’t the bad guy, they are just doing their job. But insurance reps are the ones delivering the bad news, so people blame them. It’s awful and I’m very sorry for your cousin
@Ella yes, but that’s not the answer unfortunately. People that are working from home have been tracked from the phone calls meaning their home address can be leaked
It is going that far because the government let the insurance companies go even further away with things. People are trying to restore some balance on any way they can. But companies are protecting CEOs because only they matter. Stakeholders are not stopping their profit and greed voluntarily. Either the government gets insurance companies in line or these events are going to escalate. In other countries insurance companies don't act so cruelly because there are rules and the government partially subsidize medical care for everyone. There are different ways on which an insurance company can still be profitable while offering a good standard of care.
I'm so sorry to hear about what your cousin is experiencing. To better understand, is she the only person or is there a wider campaign against other random workers? If it's the former, there may not be a causal link and there's some other cause.