Mom rage HELP!

Hi mamas! I am 3 months postpartum from baby girl and I also have a 2YO boy. My boy is in his terrible 2/ just being a boy. I am usually not a irritated person but right now I don’t even recognize myself. I am CONSTANTLY screaming at my toddler when he does something in which, is pretty much all the time cause you know.. toddlerhood lol but I HATE myself for it and it seems that I have no control over my emotions or something. I even sometimes swear and I feel extremely ashamed of it. Because of that, my delivery is awful, therefore he doesnt listen to me i.e “dont do this, dont do that, stop, I told you not to do this, NO”. When we have great times and snuggles I apologize to him and then he goes on and spills his milk per example and there I go, loosing my sh* again. What is wrong with me? I also meditate at night a lot and its not helping.. anyone been through this before? Any tips for me please!
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I haven’t even had my second yet and i feel like im constantly yelling at my 2 year old. The terrible twos are ROUGH. I can’t turn my head for one second or she’s gone. It is a stressful time. Give yourself some grace momma 💕

I highly suggest taking a step back and trying to look at things from your toddler's perspective. Hearing "no this" and "no that" all day is discouraging. This is an age where they are testing their boundaries and ours. They need consistency and a LOT of redirection. If you're constantly telling them no how do they know what they CAN do? Instead of saying no turn it into a "try this instead" or "this is safer". They are also learning to be more independent and messes will happen. We teach our kiddo that it is ok to make a mess but we have to clean it up after. He picks up the food he throws since he has no impulse control. He cleans up accidents and spills with towels or wipes. I find my boy needs to be challenged and kept busy. We keep him busy with chores like helping put laundry in the basket or washer, putting toys and books into bins, and carrying things around the house for us like his brother's bottles or a clean diaper and wipes. He always wants to help and it turns into a game most of the time too.

For reference I have an 11 week old and my toddler is 2 in January. So I understand the frustration and moments of anger very well

Have you mentioned this to your GP? Irritability can be a sign of depression. CBT classes and Wellbutrin made a world of difference on my moods. Sending you hugs xx

Nothing is wrong with you. What you are experiencing is probably the result of a serious lack of sleep. Are you sleeping enough? Sleeping less than 6 hours ( which is completely expected having a baby) has a lot of effects on our mood, hormonal changes, and all on top of dealing with postpartum. Have a support plan and try to incorporate some physical activity that boosts your happy hormone. On the other hand, if you do have enough sleep/support and still feel like this, have a conversation with your doctor. They can help rule out symptoms of PPD.

Everything @Karla said.

You are dealing with A LOT. When you're body is being reactive to so much going on around you sometimes it doesn't give you the second you need to take a breath and chose differently. There can be a lot of different causes for this, so I would definitely visit a Dr to discuss what options may be available to help you! It's ok Momma, you're doing your best

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