YAY!!! So exciting!! If it makes you feel any better, my belly went wayyyy down around 12 weeks too. Hormones apparently make the bloating stop. And lovely second trimester makes all the yucky first trimester symptoms feel better!! I honestly even panicked too cause it was like a light switch.. but apparently it’s normal! So enjoy feeling better and celebrate the coming of the lovely second trimester! Haha!
@Jenna thank you!! ❤️
@Shaina thank you!!
Congrats on your pregnancy! I've had my share of miscarriage so I totally know that anxious feel... but it’s normal for symptoms to come and go, so try not to stress too much. hang in there and keep focusing on the positives! ❤️
Congrats on being 11.5 weeks! It’s okay that you feel less symptoms. Your body is getting used to being pregnant and your stomach was feeling large because of the bloat. This is completely normal and means you are entering the second trimester! You have a long way to go so be kind to yourself