Not gaining weight?

My baby is still only at 9.3kg, 17.5 months, a really fussy eater but we have 3 meals and snacks a day plus milk feeds (ebf) should I get him checked? Never sure what's normal
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My little one is very similar. I took him for a weigh recently and he is still on his percentile so no concerns. Might be worth checking for peace of mind. The health visitor was really good though and said well done for keeping breastfeeding and little one was doing well. Hope this helps x

My baby girl is no longer breastfed since she was almost 11 months old and she 18 months old and weighs 21 pounds she is small but she eats pretty decent but she likes to constantly move around walking and running and playing and all that so as babies walk they will lose some weight but as long as they are eating and Dr not worried your baby be just fine.

9.2kg here. Don’t worry. As long as baby is eating and seems full of energy and is happy, they’re getting what they need x

Thanks all he dropped from 35% t 16% when he first started crawling and walking around 1 yr, and he's now on 13% so not too big of a drop, just worry about these things! He never stops moving/dancing so I think he's alright, thanks for the reassurance

I had similar worries, mine is about 9.5kg or maybe a bit over now, I went to the health visitor as I was concerned (not amazing eater either) and they weren’t at all concerned and said his percentiles hadn’t dropped too much.

My son’s weight has always been on the “lower” side. Last time we got him weighed back in September he was on 9.5kg and they weren’t concerned. He isn’t the best eater either, but he’s happy and healthy which is all that matters x

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