
I’d love to hear people’s weaning tips and tricks. Where to get started & what with? I want to try an avoid pouches for the start while I have some time on my hands ect. Or recommend website, pull outs or books please 🙏🏼
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Solid starts has some really good information on starting baby led weaning at 6 months (recommended age to start) and how to prepare/serve all the different foods or what ages they should have what. We started with steamed vegetables. If it is soft enough to squish between your fingers it's all good. They can pretty much have whatever you have with no added sugar and salt. No honey under one. No whole nuts.

@Natalie oo thank you! We’re not wanting to start till 6months, based on the recommended age! Thank you for your comment!

You're welcome. They have a Facebook, Instagram and app :)

Ella’s kitchen have a free guide you can get posted from their website. Talks about first tastes etc and which foods to introduce to them. I think I used solid starts as well on the app. Was good at looking at how to serve things.

I followed the how to wean your baby book, by Charlotte Stirling reed. It has a daily plan to follow and focuses on introducing bitter/savory tastes first before the sweeter fruits etc. and introducing allergens gradually so that if a reaction is delayed you can tell what it's from. Tbh I just found it easier having something to follow to take away having to think loads about if I'm covering the main food groups etc. also used solid starts for checking how to serve for beyond those first taste intros. And the book what mummy makes for recipes has been good too. And bibadoo and Ella's kitchen both do weaning checklists that I liked just to have to check I was covering a good range of foods and making sure I was introducing lots of times, rather than falling into patterns of serving the same stuff. I think they say it can take over ten exposures before they might take to something

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