
Hi everyone! My daughter is 12 months old in 6 days and she’s been hitting her milestones well but I feel like her fine motor skills are a bit off, I don’t know. It’s weird because some things she can do so easily. She can pick small things up and clap her hands, even on demand. But doesn’t know how to hold her own bottle yet. I found out yesterday that this usually happens around 7-9 months or something like that. I know it seems like such a trivial thing to worry about but should I be worried? 😂 And I also know that all babies are different of course, I just find it odd that she’s 4 months older than when she “should” have been holding her own bottle. Does anyone have any tips on how to teach her to hold her own bottle? She also doesn’t feed herself food. We still spoon feed her. She has held the spoon before and put it up to her mouth though! She just can’t work out that you’re supposed to put the spoon into the food to get it off the plate. Again, any tips on how to teach her this? Like I said, she has hit many milestones. She rolled over at exactly 4 months, sat up at 6 months, crawled at 10 months, can clap, plays “where is Lily?” by putting a blanket over her own head (peekaboo), says a few words like “quack quack”, “uh-oh”, “mama” and “dada.” I also think maybe some of it is my fault? Like the food thing, I’m so worried about her choking that I think I kind of want full control over mealtimes so I just resort to spoon feeding her and I mash up her food a lot. This could just be a case of first time mom syndrome and I’m being dramatic 😂. I think I find it weird how she’s hit so many milestones pretty quickly but she can’t really do some fine motor skills.
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My son is almost 1 too on the 11th. He was born at 34 weeks. He meets most of his milestones. Like his fine motor skills are great and feeds him self Cheerios and such but he is now learning to crawl. He didn’t sit-up until 8/9 months. Each baby is different. My oldest son walked before he crawled. Some babies just do things when they want to. Also babies are smarter than they look. Both my sons knew how to hold their bottle my oldest did at 4 months but refused to hold their bottle for grandma. Grandma also held it for them so they wouldn’t do it. You can try putting her in a boppy and putting a blanket to prop the bottle up some so she gets used to the idea of doing it herself.

My boy is nearly 2 and only just started being able to feed himself well and in the last few months started holding his bottle, I think it’s just laziness because his great at everything else 😅

@Justice thank you so much, that’s very reassuring 🥰🩷

@Sophie maybe my daughter is just being lazy with her bottle then. Tbh if someone kept offering to feed me, I’d probably get too lazy to feed myself too 😂. I don’t mind if she ends up like your son and doesn’t hold it for another year as long as there’s nothing to worry about 🥰

@Becky I saw a post yesterday about this and seems like a lot of people children do it too 🥰 I actually kind of miss him not holding his own bottle cause it was the only time I got a cuddle from him 😩😂

Have you tried more BLW? We put everything on the tray and let our son hand feed himself. He’s not the best at using a spoon so we still help him with his cereal and natural purée but 95% of his meals are all finger foods. Use the solids starts app to help you know how to prepare the foods.

In terms of her learning to feed herself the only way she'll learn is being given the opportunity to do it without someone doing it for her. Could start with passing a loaded spoon to get her used to it. In terms of the texture of foods. It's the same that they need to experience it to learn how to chew, swallow etc.

@Jenn we tried a tiny bit but I just get terrified because she seems to bite off more than she can chew and it gets stuck or she pulls a face and it scares me :(. I might try more finger foods though

@Natalie thank you. We’ve started the loaded spoon thing so hopefully she learns to do it herself soon :)

@Becky we started with soft foods like bananas before working our way up. I was so nervous too. It took me a month before I felt more confident that he was actually chewing. He’s now almost 10months and eats everything we eat. It’s really nice not having to make separate foods for him. We just modify it. There is lots of Facebook groups for BLW that has helped us out too.

@Becky that's how they map their mouths and learn what they can handle. Id learn the difference between gagging and choking. Solid starts has a Facebook page, Instagram and app with good info on the best way to serve different foods and what's appropriate when We also gave my daughter a spoon as a toy to play with separate from mealtimes before we started weaning for her to learn how it worked so could maybe be an option still.

@Jenn thank you so much!

@Natalie thank you, I’ll have a look at their page :) x

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