Once we stop formula (which is hopefully soon!) tired of it now 😅🙃
Once the formula stopped, we stopped sterilising 🥳🥳 thank God 😂😂
I stopped at 11 months
Not doing everything like I used to… just breaking the habit 😬
Once we stop formula but being dairy free and refused oat in a bottle who knows lol x
Will stop doing the bottles when we get off formula
Stopped already now she’s off formula
stopped now
Stopped religiously sterilising at 11 months, will do every other day x
We haven't sterilised anything since he was about 5 months old! I've breastfed since birth and he's only taken bottles occasionally but he does take water and occasionally milk from a cup now. He crawls over the floor at the childminder and licks toys off the floor so we just didn't see the point continuing to sterilise things these days 🤣