@Haley You'll have to wait for the big reveal
Yes! This is similar to what the school bathrooms were like where I went to school in 2012. Much more privacy since the stalls are floor to ceiling, no groups of older students gathered in there intimidating younger kids, and since it’s in a corridor there’s always a member of staff nearby. No one I knew had an issue with them
@Haley the only reason I can think of is having the sink private in case you need to wash a menstrual cup or use water for a clean up that may be embarrassing to do publicly?
I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with this? completely private in the stall, but not private in the sink area so kids won’t congregate in there and do all sorts like they used to when i was in school 🤦🏼♀️ xx
The only "problem" to certain people is that this is technically a gender neutral bathroom
No issues with it. Think it’s great. Boys and girls can wash their hands together. What’s the big deal?
I'm confused! What is the issue?🤷🏼♀️
It’s essentially how the village changing facilities work at my local leisure centre. Everyone still has privacy, and it makes it easier for families, like a Dad taking his daughter to the bathroom. I think it’s great.
I mean to me I would still prefer a private sink because when I use the bathroom I like to wash up afterwards for prayer and I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that out in the open where men can see. If there was sinks inside too or something I love the privacy of it.
I’ve seen this posted on peanut before. I don’t understand why there would be any issue with this.
As long as there was also a private only for girls bathroom or fully enclosed single bathroom with a sink as well. Some Muslim girls start to wear the hijab or pray regularly in middle school and would need a male free space to fix their hair/hijab and wash before praying.
This looks exactly like my high school bathrooms, everyone went in the same place, private stalls, but open so you could see if anything odd was happening. It was perfect 👍🏻
My high school bathrooms were like this but didn’t have floor to ceiling walls they were cubicles, that was off putting but this I wouldn’t have an issue with
@Haley because you’re sharing the bathroom with men lol i wouldn’t feel comfortable
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@Stephany there are literal closed stalls? And then open sinks? Are you also not okay with sharing rooms with men? Cause honestly I can get behind that then. Let’s ban men from all indoor spaces actually
I voted no but it would be okay if the menstrual products were tucked away near a sink and not visible to everyone walking down the hall. Because it's a bit embarrassing to publicly announce you're on your period.
After getting teased for being seen with a tampon in my pocket/ backpack in elementary, middle, and high school by different classmates- I think this is ridiculous. It’s setting young girls up for embarrassment (leads to other issues) by exposing the time they’re on their periods/ in need to wash blood off of their hands or menstrual cup. This could only be acceptable if there’s also private rooms with sinks behind a closed door for only young women. Regardless of age, people deserve privacy. And that shouldn’t be exclusive to doing toilet business. Private restrooms where girls need space to change clothes, mentally take a break, use sinks, etc. shouldn’t be taken away. Enclosed designated school restrooms are a safe place for some students.
@Haley wow you’re quick to judge. i never said any of that, i just prefer not having men in the BATHROOM with me it’s not that complicated
@Tay They are a safe space for a smaller amount of students than it's a dangerous place for, in all fairness. They could put the machines inside the stalls and it would solve that problem. Hand washing stations for everyone exist in many jobs so I don't see it that unusual for them to wash hands together, as someone else pointed out I think 1-2 stalls with a sink included could be helpful for if you need the sink for something other than washing your hands. As for taking a break or changing clothes, the bathroom is for the bathroom, most schools have locker rooms and changing rooms, and the nurse's office or guidance counselors office can be used to take a mental break.
@Stephany I am just showing you the silliness of what you said. It’s a room. No one is going in the stall with you.
Honest question: why would someone not like this?